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"Whether you are a painter, sculptor, photographer, graphic artist or work in other media, Passion4Art gives you the artist resources - like the ability to connect with other visual artists, by visiting our new upgraded artist discussion forum. Discuss topics ranging from tips on finding artist agents and representatives, to comparing prices and quality of art supplies, to news about artist jobs, careers and exhibitions."
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"I just found your site and wanted to tell you how wonderful it is! I'm very excited about it and will tell everyone I know. I love it! It's a wonderful aid to artists. Thank you so much! "
"We recognize that you provide a much need ed medium and vehicle for all types of artists and cannot thank Passion4art enough."
Benn Simmsons
"I love your personal attention and service you give to the me, as an artist on your site. Thank you twice."
Haze McElhenny
"This site is a truly valuable arts advocacy resource. Thank you!!"
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