What people are saying about

Here are a few testimonials from our artist members.
These were all received unsolicited!
A very small selection is featured here. These comments are unedited.

"This is a great service. It is hard this day and age to get a break as an artist. Recently our local art guild had to cease their yearly art show at the mall, because the mall made it just too expensive. I guess they never heard the expression, "starving artist". Thanks for your site, I will tell my friends about it."
-Lee Williams

"Thank you for this most splendid and generous service that you so graciously render to the art community!"
-Julio Mateo

"I am so very impressed with your work.The site is truly valuable arts advocacy resource.Thank you!"
-Irene Czys

"HOME AT LAST! it took me 8 months to find you. I will certainly recommend this site to all my friends. I'm completely gone on anything art. I'm not too good on the web but I think with your very good help, I will realise my artistic dreams. thank you."
-Shirley courtesy

"I just found your site and I wanted to tell you how wonderful it is! I'm very excited about it and will tell everyone I know. I love it! It's a wonderful aid to artists. Thanks you so much!"

"We recognize that you provide a much needed medium and vehicle for all types of artists, and cannot thank Passion4Art enough."
-Ben Simmons

"I thank you and appreciate for helping me get my own website on-line! This is my first web site and I am just getting used to setting it up. Thank you for helping a young girl showing her art on the web! "
-Miss Fawn

"Thank you for this wonderful internet space!  I stumbled upon you quite by accident. Anyway, thanks again for your vision and generosity."
-Donna Cummins

"I love your personal attention and service you give to the me, as an artist on your site. Thank you twice."
-Haze McElhenny

I just heard about your site. I am a webmaster for a law firm in PA and your wysiwyg editor is one of the best I have seen. What I really like about it is that the program itself TEACHES people how to think in terms of using tags, which is like a "pre-html" tutorial.  Very good idea, very useful templates, very vogue aesthetically.  Keep up the good work.
-Nmuta Jones

"Just sending you this email to thank you for you're continued support of my artwork. I continue to send links to your website to my email contacts. If there's anything else I can do let me know. Until then, Take care, and continued success with you site.
-Paul Kent Sewell

"I am amazed at the number of fine and talented artist you represent. The greeting card option is a wonderful way for your clients to experience other works of art featured on your page. I will be passing along the good news that "Passion4art" has arrived. thanks again."
-WC Martin

"I think the Passion4art website is great and a wonderful help for those of us who do art, and it's inspiration for people who are not artists themselves. I really enjoy feedback and constructive criticism from other artists. I think it's a great service and forum for people like us to reach out to each other."
Did I say THANK YOU?:)
-Fae Lynn

"I just started a web site on Passion4Art and I am having a lot of fun with it. I'm really impressed that you have this set us so it is easy to set up a site (I'm pretty new to the internet and I'm almost completely ignorant about this stuff)."
-Mike Hovancsek

"As a professional Graphic Designer, I feel your Passion4Art site is designed extremely well! Your home page loads very quickly and everything is easy to find. It's almost like your home page is a site map to the rest of your site! This provides for quick visual communications to your visitors.
-David Cochran

"I don't have enough kind words for your service and site."
-Rainey Shafer

"What the site is doing is wonderful for artists like me who really need the exposure.  I hope you are all very proud of yourselves!"
-Lezli Goodwin

"Your attentiveness is astounding. You and your company deserve any and all success."
-Cat Jackson

"I REALLY think this is an incredible service you are offering. I am the President of W.A.R.M. (Women's Art Recognition Movement) Community Connection and Vice President of the Stow Arts Society.  I have passed on this information to ALL the artists I know and will be linking you to all my sites.
Again, my SINCERE thanks for this wonderful service!"
-Cheryl A. Townsend

"I am very impressed with your site. What is particularly excellent is the user help section. It is such a relief to find detailed, step-by-step instructions without distracting, flashy, unnecessary graphics! Someone spent a lot of time on this - it shows.
Congratulations again on an excellent, well thought-out site."
-Cynthia Kelly

"I would love to have my art on here. The Site is great. I have a MFA and BA from SF art institute and have a lot of art to show. I will read the info but if you can guide me further I will appreciate it as I am new with computers. Peace and Thanks!"
-Thomasina DeMaio

"Passion4art gets many compliments! Thanks for a great service!!!!"
-Jodi Aker

I love your site and tell everyone about it.
-Just Plain Jane

Wonderful site: I found it through "Retif's Art Index", and don't ask me how I got there. . .
I've recommended your site to a friend of mine, in Toronto, and think you are doing a wonderful job, it is a very well designed site. 
-Karen Schlick

You have created a wonderful artistic environment, it's so easy to create, modify and upload images.
I will be sure to spread the word to other artist's.
-Michael Depraida

Your site is awesome!! I would like my work to be considered for art cards.

Thank you for the opportunity to show my work. I had it up in an hour or two, it was quite easy to understand. I was amazed at the amount of flexibility in designing each site.
-Craig Hill

Thank you very much for your letter of welcome, we liked the way you have organised things on your website. It is really very easy to use and the file manager is very convenient to make any changes to our web page.
-Sameena Sharif

Thank you so much for your help and consideration with this semi-computer-illiterate-boy...
thank you soooo much
-Mark Grundig

I absolutely love this user-friendly site setup you offer.
-David Paul Torno

Great site!!
-Chanda Vaze

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