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Frequently Asked Questions About Reproductions

What Are Offset Reproductions?
An "Offset Reproduction" is the most common type of fine art print.  The original painting is
photographed and printing plates are made from the negatives.  The ink is transferred from the
plate to the paper.  Basically it is the same as what many people refer to as a "print".  A print
in artists terms is actually an original graphic, so it is a bit confusing.   A "Lithograph" is typically
an offset reproduction.

What Is A Signed & Numbered Limited Edition Print?
A "Signed and numbered" print is a print from the edition that was published and individually
signed by the artist. Each print will have its own number.  If you owned a print that was numbered 25/1500. This means that out of 1500 prints that comprise the edition, you have the 25th one that
was signed by the artist.

What Is A "Remarque"?
This is a small original sketch or painting that is done somewhere in the margin of a limited edition
print. Usually an interesting detail from the picture is chosen and used in the remarque.

What Is An Open Edition Print?
Often, an artist or publisher will decide to make an image available to the public in unlimited
quantities. There is no predetermined edition size.  Occasionally, it is a smaller sized version
of one that was previously published as a limited edition print.  Sometimes it may be a vignette,
or just a section of the original.  Most often, the art will not have been previously published.
The paper and inks used are usually of lesser quality than those used for limited editions, and
the artist neither signs nor numbers the prints.   As a result open edition prints are far less

What Is An "AP", or Artist's Proof?
It is a select part of a limited edition print run, where the artist & publisher select out a certain
amount of the prints, typically about 10% of the total edition. The quality of the print is the
same.  If there were 50 prints set aside for the artists proofs, they will be numbered AP 1/50,
(or 1/50 AP) up to AP 50/50.  Some collectors prefer AP's because they consider it a separate,
small edition, but in actuality, it’s not.

What Is A Serigraph?
This is a reproduction process that more closely mimics original art, but it is still a reproduction.
They are usually done in significantly smaller edition sizes and are done much like a silk screen
print.  Layer after layer of ink is applied, one color at a time, until it is finished.   Sometimes 30,
40, or even more screens are applied to achieve the desired results.  The finished print is more
brilliant in color and has a more “original” look to it.  They require a much higher degree of work
by the artist than offset reproductions.  This technique does not lend itself well, however to every
artist's style. Edition sizes vary, but are usually no more than a few hundred.

What Is A “Giclee” (Pron: zheeclay) Print?
This is a new and sophisticated, computer aided techichique, printed with special ink.  Much has
been said about this process in recent years and stability of inks have been a subject of concern
in this type of reproduction.  Newly developed inks have been tested to show a “life” of about 70
or so years and is no longer an issue of concern.  The colors of these reproductions are especially
bright and pure, and the accuracy to the original is unlike any other reproduction process. The
papers used are quite heavy watercolor types and edition sizes are usually kept under 300.

What Is A Poster?
A poster print is a lithograph that is often done to commemorate an event or used as an
advertisement.  Old movie posters fall into this category.  They have much appeal and are used
often in decorating.  The quality of paper used by the publisher varies from publishing house to
publishing house. the same is true of the inks used in printing.  They are an inexpensive way to
decorate and the subject matter is limitless.  It is not hard to find posters that have universal
appeal.  Many works by the "Old Masters" such as Monet, Manet, Renoir, Cassatt, O Keefe,
and others are often printed as "posters".  They are open editions, although sometimes you will
find one that has gone "out of print".

How about Art for Investment?
One cannot say that this does not sometimes prove exciting and fruitful.  However, it is not
unusual to find that a print does not appreciate in value.  Buying art for investment is not usually recommended.  The person who buys a work of art because he/she really likes it, it will never
be a disappointment.  If it is a reproduction or original that does indeed go up in value over the
years, it is an added benefit.  Some believe that collecting an “emerging”, living artist’s work,
has much greater potential for investment appreciation, than past artists’ works.

What Is Proper Care For A Reproduction?
As with any piece of art careful attention to handling and placement are important for best
preservation.  In a few words, keep out of direct sunlight and away from extreme heat and
moisture.  If a print is purchased with the idea of reselling it at some point, it needs to be kept
in perfect condition.  Handling in such away as to avoid any creasing is necessary.

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