Baby A and Baby B expected in early June 2004



Baby Pictures

Jenna Picture1 Picture2

Jessie Picture

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Jenna & Jessie's first movie

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Dec. 11, 2003 - 9 weeks 2 days: Picture

Dec. 18, 2003 - 10 weeks 2 days: Picture1 Picture2 Picture3

Dec. 23, 2003 - 11 weeks: Picture

Jan. 16, 2004 - 14 weeks 3 days:
Baby A - head is on the left, body to the right, it's facing down
Baby B's face - looks like an alien, Joel says it looks like me :(
both babies' heads

Feb. 13, 2004 - 18 weeks 3 days:
An Arm
Baby A Heartrate
Baby B Heartrate

Baby A patting Baby B on the head (face)
Baby B Measurements

Baby A Measurements
Baby B Profile
Baby B Smiling

March 1, 2004 - 20 weeks 6 days (3D Pictures!):
A & B 3D in color

3D Black & White 1
3D Black & White 2
3D Black & White 3

April 14, 2004 - 27 weeks 1 day:

Belly Shots

Jan. 12, 2004 - 13 weeks 6 days belly shot: Picture

Jan. 30, 2004 - 16 weeks 3 days belly shot: Picture

Feb. 26, 2004 - 20 weeks 2 days belly shot: Picture1 Picture2 Picture3

March 11, 2004 - 22 weeks 2 days belly shot: Picture1 Picture2

March 26, 2004 - 24 weeks 3 days belly shot: Picture

April 6, 2004 - 26 weeks 0 days belly shot: Picture

April 20, 2004 - 28 weeks 0 days NST: NST NST Machine

Early May 2004: Stretch Marks 30 weeks 6 days belly shot In a hospital bed

Outcomes for Premature Infants by Gestation

Gestational age 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30+
Chances of Survival (%) 17 44 61 72 72 88 85 >94
% of survivors who are normal ~10 ~40 50 60 70 80 90 99
Breathing Problems needing assisted ventilation 99 99 99 99 89 78 80 30
Number of days ventilated and needing extra oxygen 125 120 90 80 60 30 11 8
Chronic lung disease, i.e. needing extra oxygen for >1 month, steroids 99 99 90.5 67 53 40 16.8 8
Probability of significant abnormal brain scans 27 20 14 6 8 6 8 7
Jaundice needing phototherapy 99 99 99 99 80 50 30 20
Heart condition (PDA) needingtreatment 80 50 32 35 25 27 26 10
Likelihood of infection 99 99 99 99 80 70 40 30
Average number of transfusions 9 7 7 6 5 4 2 1
Feeding problems, i.e. needing tube feedings for > 8weeks* 99 99 99 70 50 20 15 1
Gut problems - necrotising enterocolitis needing medical/surgical treatment 99 90 50 40 30 20 10 5
Visual Problems 23 17 10 5 5 3 0 0
Presence of recurrent Apnea/Bradychardia 7wks 6wks 5wks 4wks 3wks 2wks 1wk 0.5wk
Need to express breastmilk on Pump 12wks 10wks 9wks 8wks 7wks 6wks 5wks 4wks
Degree of Stress to Parents 1= mild, 2= moderate, 3=severe 7-10 for 8wks 7-10 for 7wks 7-10 for 6wks 7-10 for 4wks 7-10 for 3wks 7-10 for 2wks 7-10 for 3days 7-10 for 2days
Risk of Family emotional stress high high high high mod mod low min
Likelihood of IQ <85 high high high high mod low low min
Likelihood of being small in growth 99 99 99 70 50 30 10 5
Likelihood of future need for full/part time special schooling 99 80 50 50 30 10 5 5
Need for follow-up eye and hearing at 4mos, 8mos, 18mos, & 3yrs 99 99 80 70 50 30 20 10
Need for Special Therapy with Physiotherapists, OT, speech 99 99 80 70 50 30 20 10
Financial Cost high high high high mod low low min

*most babies will need nasogastric feeding until about 35 weeks gestation
Draft by Dr. Guan Koh 6/14/1997
NOTE: This is a draft and not entirely complete.
Survival Statistics may be slightly higher in the U.S.

Average fetal length and weight chart

Gestational age Length (US) Weight (US) Length (cm) Mass (g)
(crown to rump) (crown to rump)
8 weeks 0.63 inch 0.04 ounce 1.6 cm 1 gram
9 weeks 0.90 inch 0.07 ounce 2.3 cm 2 grams
10 weeks 1.22 inch 0.14 ounce 3.1 cm 4 grams
11 weeks 1.61 inch 0.25 ounce 4.1 cm 7 grams
12 weeks 2.13 inches 0.49 ounce 5.4 cm 14 grams
13 weeks 2.91 inches 0.81 ounce 7.4 cm 23 grams
14 weeks 3.42 inches 1.52 ounce 8.7 cm 43 grams
15 weeks 3.98 inches 2.47 ounces 10.1 cm 70 grams
16 weeks 4.57 inches 3.53 ounces 11.6 cm 100 grams
17 weeks 5.12 inches 4.94 ounces 13 cm 140 grams
18 weeks 5.59 inches 6.70 ounces 14.2 cm 190 grams
19 weeks 6.02 inches 8.47 ounces 15.3 cm 240 grams
20 weeks 6.46 inches 10.58 ounces 16.4 cm 300 grams
(crown to heel) (crown to heel)
20 weeks 10.08 inches 10.58 ounces 25.6 cm 300 grams
21 weeks 10.51 inches 12.70 ounces 26.7 cm 360 grams
22 weeks 10.94 inches 15.17 ounces 27.8 cm 430 grams
23 weeks 11.38 inches 1.10 pound 28.9 cm 501 grams
24 weeks 11.81 inches 1.32 pound 30.0 cm 600 grams
25 weeks 13.62 inches 1.46 pound 34.6 cm 660 grams
26 weeks 14.02 inches 1.68 pound 35.6 cm 760 grams
27 weeks 14.41 inches 1.93 pound 36.6 cm 875 grams
28 weeks 14.80 inches 2.22 pounds 37.6 cm 1005 grams
29 weeks 15.20 inches 2.54 pounds 38.6 cm 1153 grams
30 weeks 15.71 inches 2.91 pounds 39.9 cm 1319 grams
31 weeks 16.18 inches 3.31 pounds 41.1 cm 1502 grams
32 weeks 16.69 inches 3.75 pounds 42.4 cm 1702 grams
33 weeks 17.20 inches 4.23 pounds 43.7 cm 1918 grams
34 weeks 17.72 inches 4.73 pounds 45.0 cm 2146 grams
35 weeks 18.19 inches 5.25 pounds 46.2 cm 2383 grams
36 weeks 18.66 inches 5.78 pounds 47.4 cm 2622 grams
37 weeks 19.13 inches 6.30 pounds 48.6 cm 2859 grams
38 weeks 19.61 inches 6.80 pounds 49.8 cm 3083 grams
39 weeks 19.96 inches 7.25 pounds 50.7 cm 3288 grams
40 weeks 20.16 inches 7.63 pounds 51.2 cm 3462 grams
41 weeks 20.35 inches 7.93 pounds 51.7 cm 3597 grams
42 weeks 20.28 inches 8.12 pounds 51.5 cm 3685 grams
43 weeks 20.20 inches 8.19 pounds 51.3 cm 3717 grams


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