All images are the property of artists Terri Cabral and Sean Poole. Reproduction without permission is not allowed.

Welcome! Please browse through the Galleries to view the works. Thank you for your interest. If you see anything you like, please feel free to contact Ms. Cabral or Mr. Poole

Winter Moon
Winter Moon by Terri Cabral Acrylic on canvas - For SALE - See Landscapes by Cabral

Geometrics 2 by Sean Poole Acrylics, pen & ink

About the Artists

Landscapes by Terri Cabral

Wild Animals by Terri Cabral

Gallery 3Art by Terri Cabral

The Guitar Man Series by Séan Poole

Geo Metrics By Séan Poole

Works By Séan Poole

Links to books by the artists, other artists and sites of interest.

Email Artist Teriana

Emails are welcomed! You can reach the artists at

Thank you for dropping by!

Visit Wits End Cafe Press shop where you can buy household items and clothing with the artist's designs.

Cafe Press Shop