Harold Olejarz
Performances, 1990-91

I performed in many cities and this page has images from performances in Cincinnati and Atlanta. The Arts Festival of Atlanta was the first appearance of the Cowboy sculptures.

I often worked with photographers to create images from the performances. Blaise Tobia photographed many of the museum self-installations along with the set-up at Harry Winston's on Fifth Avenue in NYC. Lynn Butler and I collaborated on a series of cowboy images called On The Range.

Best of the Fest, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1990 Best of the Fest, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1990

Best of the Fest, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1990

photo, Harold Olejarz



Arts Festival of Atlanta, 1991

Arts Festival of Atlanta, 1991

photo, Harold Olejarz


Rich Tux at Harry Winston's, 1990

Rich Tux at Harry Winston's, 1990

photo, Blaise Tobia


Riding High, 1991

Riding High, 1991

photo, Lynn Butler


Double O, 1991

Double O, 1991

photo, Lynn Butler



 Art Index


All work on this site ©Harold Olejarz 1997 - 1999 and the artists credited. No images or text may be used for commercial purposes without written permission from Harold Olejarz. Personal or educational uses are allowed with permission from Harold Olejarz.