I didn't go to college. I took a couple of cartooning classes & a few art classes in high school. After high school, I designed women's clothes as a hobby, I was very good at it. Few years later, I made greeting cards & pop-up cards. In December of 1993, I wanted to draw a picture for my mom for Christmas. I made a picture of the mummy (that picture is on my home page) The mummy is my first art work since I was in high school. I did another picture for my mom. After that, I continue doing art. In 1996, I did my first portrait, I was very proud of it. I love doing portraits, they are the BEST!!!! I hope someday, I will have a career in art. I took up painting at an Art Gallery Center & I also did some ceramics, drawing & portraits.

I draw with a pencil & coloring pencils. For paintings, I use Acrylic paints.

I am living in South California.

My CartoonsMy Portraits