At 18 inches high, over 1,000 feet of wire went into crafting this piece. It captures the majestic essence of the mountain lion and is entitled "America's Big Cat"
This piece, entitled "Great Horned Owl" it stands appromimately 32 inches high and is mounted on manzanitas root. The owl looks as if it is ready to launch itself from its perch in pursuit of a rodent.
I am dyslexic.I am also a spokesman for the National Dyslexia Research Foundation. We have an anual art show in Fallbrook, California at the Art and Cultural Center. Click the picture above to see pictures from the first show, Feb. 06-16 2002. and to get info about upcoming shows and events.
This piece, entitled "Mating Display" is a life size whooping crane that stands nearly 6 feet tall. anyone who has seen the mating dance of theses magnificent birds will be imediately reminded of the experience when they see this piece. Unfortunately, the whooping crane population is so small that, if serious steps aren't taken, this may be the only way future generations will see thier display.