I started years ago with sketches and pastels (see 'sweetness') of a bad-ass chick. She was just supposed to be a comic book hero. She turned into a lot more.
She and her supporting characters grew in depth and demention. I knew that she was more than just pictures could explain and more than words could explain. So 'The Journal of the Black Dragon', was born.
Her expantion has forced my art to evolve, both in subject as well as form. Her story has expanded to many area's of everyday life.
As Her story has grown, the supporting characters such as Sorell (above), have grown in depth as well. There may be off shoot books of the dragons alone.
I have revisited simplicity again, with renewed vigor. This project has expanded all on it's own. The stories and the characters are developing themselves for the most.
Click my pic above to be taken to the text site for Journals of the Black Dragon, and keep viisting! Thanks! Ms Penny