About My Madness

Picture of Me

What I answer to:   Penny, Hey you!, or Ms Penny if your nasty! ;)

Art Category:   I work mainly in Pastels. However, I'm expanding my painting skills to include watercolor,as well as acrylic. I have been told that my genre is considered to be 'underground art'. My best understanding of that term? It's what the over-educated and undertalented calls the under-educated, highly talented, poor folks! LOL
My main subject matter is the surreal, but then again, in this day and age, isn't everything surreal. I prefer to think that I bring the landscape of the mind to the page.

My Job:   Your looking at what I do. If you like what you see, support a poor artist by buying what you like.

My Interests and Hobbies:   Music (listening as well as singing), reading, finding 'the truth' in history (its better when I find the truth in herstory!), dancing, photography, and better living through chemistry!

Where I hang:   Central FL, and generally parts unknown.