Little House
8 x 10
on glass
Hand made frame
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8 x 10
honerable mention
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dutch farm
3 1/2 x 5 1/2
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Humming Bird
8 x 10
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8 x 10
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Romeo and Juilet
10 1/2 x 13 1/2
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Red Zinas
8 in.
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7 1/2 x 10
hand made frame
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Little Sea Shore
18 x 10
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12 x 16
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8 x 10
      write your questions or comments regarding this painting in the text area beneath and press send when you are done
8 x 10
      write your questions or comments regarding this painting in the text area beneath and press send when you are done
8 x 10
      write your questions or comments regarding this painting in the text area beneath and press send when you are done

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