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Step into the world of my thoughts.

"Belly" Originally a study for a print in sketch form. I then scanned the image and used Painter for the water color elements.
"Scraps of Self" A collage of wood scraps as the support for a self portrait.
"In The Dark, We're All Scared- Homage to Sadie Flood" Inspired by the character Sadie Flood from the movie "Georgia. This painting is not for sale.
My personal website
"The soul of Black Jesus" If you asked me who I believe in, I'll tell you, BLack Jesus. I grew up with the Baptist faith in the south. When I was on vacation in Florida, I saw these figures of Black Jesus and figured that would be the closest I would get to an icon that describes my religious beliefs. Also a link to my personal website.
"Thoughts" Another collage based on the media. It is not for sale.

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