Shardae was created just because I love painting faces and I had done enough of them that I was starting to think I didn't really need all the squiggly lines or hearts on cheecks or other ornamentation and I wondered how it would look if I just did a "straight" face. Once I started, the canvas seemed so big and using my paintbrush left unwanted lines in the paint, so I started kind of fingerpainting...or really, handpainting. I just used my hands to rub the paint right into the canvas. I loved the way the paint texture changed after awhile when the paint on my hands had dried a little and came off as I continued to rub new paint into the canvas. It was messy, but I really loved the feeling of the paint on my hands and as I rubbed the canvas, I could almost see the face that would come out of this preparation. Once the skin tone was right, I painted the facial features and realized that the eyes were a little asymetrical and one was larger than the other and they even looked a little cross eyed. I kept painting and what resulted is Shardae. I named the painting after a little girl that I used to know. I haven't seen her in many years, but I think this face looks like what Shardae would look like as a grown woman.